My home is my love-nest

Have your home prepared, all the time, for all sorts of events:) Because you never know...:)

What you need:
  • A warm enough temperature, more or less warm enough for nakedness:)
  • Lights that can be dimmed down, but better yet, keep a set of candles at hand.
  • Always have some chocolate and wine or champagne in store.
  • Have an attractive scent about your quarters (you can use special candles for that purpose)
  • Have music - Vangelis, Enigma, Enya, musical scores of movies, classical pieces.
  • Don't forget to switch off the telephone, when the situation calls for it:)
  • You can also use a "Do not disturb sign" on the door.
  • Protective measures - have them and know where they are.
  • In the bathroom - have good brands on display of colognes, shampoo etc.
  • About the bathroom... its clean right?:)
  • Keep on hand big fluffy terry-towels, two robes and an extra new toothbrush (still in the package).
  • A slightly more ample collection of pillows than in your average home wouldn't hurt:)

A suggestion by Frank Boyd: "Good classical CD's are cheap. Buy extras and send her home with an anchoring gift."

Traducción al español:

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