Acompasando la realidad en curso

Una buena herramienta para crear rapport instantáneamente, especialmente en el abordaje (para superar su posible cautela ante ti y hacerlo en forma rápida) es acompasar la realidad en curso. Esto es tanto describir lo que acaba de suceder (por ejemplo el que ella esté desocupada y tu acercándotele) lo que está en curso (que tu le estés hablando y ella esté agradablemente sorprendida) y lo próximo a ocurrir (que ella se sienta bien por poder conocer a un guapo desconocido como tu) de una manera agradable, creible y con humor. Aquí está un ejemplo modificado originado por Clifford en su Clifford's Seductin newsletter. Comienza con algunos elementos básicos del abordaje (disculpándose, dándole cumplidos y darle tu nombre), lo cual es mal visto entre los PUAs mas experimentados (mira "haciendole cumplidos", "Neghits" y "Debería darle mi nombre?" para mas información del porqué), pero el consecuente acompasamiento de la realidad en curso crea una agradable atmósfera de honestidad, simplicidad y sinceridad, lo cual es casi imposible de resistir:)

Disculpa, no quiero interrumpirte mientras [disfrutas tu café / lees el periodico / línea de pensamiento], pero solo quería decirte que me pareces muy atractiva y quería conocerte. Mi nombre es Rick, cómo te llamas? [Aqui entra el acompasamiento] "sabes, uno nunca sabe cuando algo increible/maravilloso está por suceder, es como cuando estás [en el café / en la sala de espera / sentada en la playa / lo que sea] pensando [comerte otra dona / a que hora llega el mensajero / lo que sea que ella esté haciendo o esperando a que pase], y luego un chico atractivo que no conoces te comienza a hablar, y a medida que lo escuchas puedes notar que incluso [aunque nunca antes lo has visto / lo has visto antes en este mismo paradero / lo has visto en la biblioteca], como pasa ahora mismo, ya que te está hablado, podrías verlo de una forma nueva y diferente. Puedes imaginarte eso?"

Now what you did here, is you told her something that she invariably had to agree with - yes, she was where you said she was, doing what you told her she was doing, thinking in the lines of what you hinted she was, yes, yes and yes. And all of these things were quite simple for you to say - all you had to do was to describe the scenery:) But in her mind it doesn't matter - she finds herself agreeing to what you're saying, over and over again. And its not some unimportant who-cares and so-what stuff like "the sun is shining... and the buildings are tall... and people are walking by" either, its actually something quite important as it is about what _she_ was doing and what _she_ was thinking about. So while she is listening to you and she finds herself agreeing with you on some fairly important matters, the agreeance she has in her mind creates a feeling of enthusiasm and being close to you, and in effect - instant rapport.

Having had to agree with so many things, the few things that she probably wouldn't agree with on their own, seem also much more acceptable as a consequence. So maybe she wasn't pleasantly surprised when you approached her, or maybe she wouldn't describe you as particularly handsome - but now that you've showered her with so many truisms to begin with, the ones that wouldn't ring so true by themselves seem much more true amongst all the other truisms. Thus for example you telling her she was pleasantly surprised when she thought she wasn't, will have her re-evaluate the nature of her surprise as a consequence of all the other truisms that surround it. Don't overload her mind with things that she probably wouldn't agree with though - keep a fine balance, push things in your pacing just a bit above the actual and towards the more positive, for if you go overboard, she will stop agreeing with you... and bye-bye instant rapport.

Clifford continues: "Now listen for her response - one thing that may happen here and which has happened to me many times is that she may be one of those women who starts talking a lot and you won't be able to get much of what you are thinking of saying out. This is a great sign. Usually I just smile knowingly and let them talk their little hearts out. As soon as the topic of sex comes up, you know you've got her. Just lay back, be friendly, don't say too much, and she will talk herself right into your bed. You may need to invite her for a coffee or a drink at the right time (I have found a lot of the talkers will extend an invitation to you themselves and you just have to watch for it)."

Even during the remote possibility, that she doesn't display immediate interest, you still have plenty of options to evoke it - eliciting values, conversing on general patterning themes or even outright patterning, displaying the general attractive traits of humour and confidence plus anything you came to know she wants in a man via eliciting values etc etc. However, even if you need a follow-up technique to continue with, thanks to your initial pacing of the ongoing reality you're well on your way to getting her to like you. And from there on to... well, whatever your goal happens to be:)

See also:
Complimenting her
Should I offer my name?

Traducción al español:

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