Leyendo el Monte de Venus

The mount of Venuspor Angela M. Mattey

Los quirománticos miran la palma de la mano como si se tratara de un terreno. Coloca la palma de tu mano hacia arriba en posición perpendicular a la altura de tu rostro. Cuando es observada desde esta posición la palma luce como un terreno terrestre con colinas (montes) y valles. Los quirománticos tienen un nombre para cada región en el terreno de la palma. Usualmente uno de las montañas más grandes es lo que se denomina "Monte de Venus" que conteca el área del pulgar con el resto de la palma. Esta es la área en la he trazado la línea segmentada.

Dentro de esta área - el Monte de Venus- He marcado una rejilla de lineas que se intersecan con una flecha que la señala con la letra "A". El área del Monte de Venus de la palma está asociada al amor de la vida y algunas veces muestra la capacidad para simbolizar que tan profundo es este amor de la vida. Cuando este monte es alto, carnoso y muy relleno, la persona está llena de pasión para la vida, la mayoría de los eventos que pasen en su vida y la gente que está en su


When this mount is high, fleshy and very full, the person is full of passion for: life, most of the events that happen in their lives and the people who are within their life. The grid or grille as palmists would call this design found at "A" in figure # 3a, can tell you that you have "walled off " your heart from others lessening your attraction to connect with happiness both internal and external. This grid is usually not found on a high or full mount of Venus. This guarding of the heart, could be happening because you are still attached to someone from the past. If this grille design is simple - which means it is made up of just a few vertical and horizontal lines - it can mean that you are devoted to your present love interest and your heart is dedicated to that person alone. If you are not presently in a relationship the grid could symbolize bars, like the bars of a jail cell, where you keep your heart hidden and safely locked away because you are not sure you can trust someone or yourself in a heartfelt and committed relationship. This type of grid can cause great stress in any new relationship once it is underway and certainly can prevent a good relationship from ever getting started.

I like looking carefully for alphabet letters and designs that appear in the Mount of Venus area of the palm to help me read questions about love. Sometimes there are one or more initials of the client's "significant other" shown here. If you notice there is an initial "T" in the area of the mount of Venus next to the grid in my design of figure # 3a. The "T" noted here is an example of what could be the initial of the first, middle or sir name of the intended love either presently available or upcoming into your life.

Traducción al español:

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